“FAIR President” is the Ordinary Member nominated by the hosting country in the year when the General Assembly convenes.
Duties And Responsibilities
Approves the draft agenda of the Executive Board and receive the reports from the Secretary General on the activities of FAIR.
Declares the opening and closure of the meetings, and before proceeding to the agenda, shall also bring before the General Assembly and/or the Executive Board any communication which may concern it. the implementation of future & the strategic plans.
Directs the debates, maintains order, ensures the observance of by-Laws by such means as circumstances may demand accord or withdraw the right to address the General Assembly, put questions to a vote, and announce the results of the vote.
The President gives rulings on points of order, which shall be final.
Current President - United Arab Emirates November 2023 - November 2025

Mr. Khaled Al Badie is currently, the CEO & Vice President of Al Badie Group ABG, the Vice Chairman of Al Ain Ahlia Insurance Co. and the Chairman of both Emirates Insurance Association and Gulf Insurance Federation.
At the private sector level, and in particular within Al Badie Group of Companies (ABG), Khaled Al Badie joined the group and started playing an active role since an early stage of his career, he has risen through all the respective levels of professions achieving the highest managerial levels.
Currently at ABG, Khaled Al Badie holds the following positions:
• CEO & Vice President of Al Badie Group ABG
• Managing Director of the North Trading Establishment-ABG
• Managing Director of the North Property Management Establishment – ABG
• Managing Director of the South Trading Establishment – ABG
• Managing Director of Al Badie Travel Agency – ABG
• Chair of the Projects Owners committee – ABG
• Chair of the Finance & Investment committee – ABG
Khaled Al Badie has held a number of key positions within the banking sector, and in particular in the Abu Dhabi National Bank, he has held the following key positions: • Secretary of the Board of Directors
• Deputy General Manager of the Investment Banking Division
• Head of Asset Management Group
As for Mr. Khaled's Educational Qualifications, he has:
⦁ MSF in Financial Management, George Washington University – Washington DC, USA,
⦁ BA dual major in Business Management and Economy, Chapman University – California, USA, and
⦁ Special course in Political Science, Richmond University – England UK.
27th President - Egypt September 2021 - September 2023
Mr. Alaa El Zoheiry Managing Director - GIG Egypt Chairman – Insurance Federation of Egypt Chairman – He received his Diploma in non-life Insurance from Cairo University and BA in Business Administration from Sadat Academy for Management Sciences, Faculty of Management.
Mr. El Zoheiry has been in the Insurance market for more than 28 years. He also gained experience of professional indemnity insurance in the US market. Starting with ACE Egypt as a Technical manager in 2001 and heading Arab MISR insurance Group (AMIG) as a Managing Director as of 2005. Mr. El Zoheiry is a: ⦁ Member of the Egyptian Lebanese Businessmen Association (since 2002).
⦁ Member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt (since 2005) and Chairman of the Chamber’s Insurance Committee (since 2008).
⦁ Member of the Egyptian Junior Business Association (since2006).
⦁ Board member of gig - Jordan since 2009.
⦁ Vice Chairman of Egyptian Takaful –Life / gig since 2011.
⦁ Board member of Gulf Sigorta –Turkey- since 2016.
⦁ Chosen as the best Insurance man in Egypt 2014.
⦁ The Ex-Chairman of the General Arab Insurance Federation (GAIF) in Sept. 2014 and representing Egyptian insurance market in GAIF since 2008.
⦁ Chairman of the Insurance Egyptian Federation of Egypt since 2017.
⦁ Personality Insurance of the Year 2017 for the Middle East.
⦁ President of the Federation of the Afro-Asian Insurance & Reinsurance (FAIR) “pronounced on the 20th of September 2021”, and was Vice Chairman of the FAIR Organization since 2017
⦁ Professional of the Year 2021 MENAIR AWARDS
26th President - Morocco September 2019 - September 2021

Mr. Youssef Fassi Fihri Currently in charge of the General Management of SCR, Mr. Youssef Fassi Fihri is an Arts & Métiers Paris Engineer (ENSAM) and holds an Executive MBA from Sup de Co Paris.
His professional career has been distinguished by the support of companies in their restructuring efforts: He was at the management of international consulting firm Texa, the leading claim assessment firm in France before joining in 2005 the company Papelera de Tetouan as Managing Director where he carried out its merger with another company.
In 2008, Mr. FASSI-FIHRI was appointed President of the Services Division of CDG Développement where he repositioned 3 companies: Exprom Facilities with Vinci Group, CG Park and Maroc Tourist.
25th President - Bahrain October 2017 - October 2019
Mr. Yassir Albaharna MBA (High Honours) & M. Eng. (Manufacturing), Boston University, Boston; B. Eng. (Mechanical), McGill University, Montreal; Fellow & Chartered Insurer, Chartered Insurance Institute, London.Mr. Yassir joined in 1987 and held a variety of underwriting and managerial positions throughout his professional career. He was appointed as CEO in 2006. Yassir also serves as Chairman of Arig Capital Limited (London), Chairman of Gulf Warranties (Bahrain), Chairman of Arig Insurance Management DIFC (Dubai), Chairman of Gulf Warranties Insurance Services (Riyadh), Managing Director of Takaful Re (DIFC), Board member of Arima Insurance Software (Bahrain) and Board member of GlobeMed (Bahrain).
In addition, he is Chairman of the Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers & Reinsurers (Cairo), Chairman of FAIR Oil & Energy Insurance Syndicate (Bahrain), Chairman of FAIR Non-Life Reinsurance Pool (Istanbul), President of the Association of Insurers and Reinsurers of Developing Countries (Manila), Board member of the International Insurance Society (New York) and Board member of Bahrain Institute of Banking and Finance
24th President - Egypt October 2015 - October 2017
Mr. AbdelRaouf Kotb is the Managing Director of Egyptian Saudi Insurance House and the Chairman of the Insurance Federation of Egypt since the year 2008.
He is the Chairman of the African Insurance Organisation “AIO” since May 2013. He is also Board Member of international Federation of Takaful and Islamic companies since 2005. He has Contributed to the development of the insurance and reinsurance Industry in the Egyptian Market as well as the African continent.
Mr. Kotb began his career in 1960 with the Egyptian Reinsurance Company, Egypt, and continued to work for Egypt Re till the end of 1972 holding leading positions in its management. He joined Al Ahleia Insurance Company, Kuwait from 1973 till 1999 holding leading positions in its top management.
Supervised the affairs of the Hawk Insurance Company, United Kingdom "Al Ahleia Subsidiary British Insurance Company" during the period 1979 till 1999.
Vice Chairman & Board Member of Pharaonic Insurance Company, Egypt from March 1999 to March 2001.
Vice Chairman and Managing Director and Board Member of Mohandes Insurance Company, Egypt from May 2001 till April 2003.
Managing Director of Egyptian Saudi Insurance House, Egypt the First Takaful Insurance Co. in the Egyptian Market, from July 2003 till now.
Member of the Joint section for Research & Management of Risks and Insurances belonging to the Academy of Research & Technology, Egypt.
He is Board Member of Salama Takaful Insurance Co., Algeria, Salama Takaful Insurance Co., Senegal Faculty of Commerce, Cairo university, Financial Services Institute, Egypt
23rd President – China October 2013 - October 2015
Dr. Li Peiyu: Chairman of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation. Chairman of the Organizing Committee for the 23rd FAIR Conference 2013.
Dr. Li Peiyu took office as Chairman of China Reinsurance (Group) Corporation in September 2010. Prior to that he held a series of positions in the State Council of China, China Investment Corporation (CIC), and the government of Henan Province, Hebi City.
Dr. Li started his career in Development Research Center of the State Council of China in September 1987. He worked consecutively as Research Associate, Research Fellow, Deputy Director and then Director of Information Center.
During this period, Dr. Li also worked as a visiting scholar in Economics Department, University of Pittsburgh in the United States and later got a Master’s Degree of Public Policy and Administration (MPA) in Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
In August 2000, Dr. Li assumed the position of deputy director of Development Planning Commission of China’s Henan Province. He then took the Mayor position of Hebi City, Henan province in February 2003.
After that, he joined China Investment Corp. in December 2007 as head of Alternative Asset Investment and a member of the Investment Decision-making Committee of CIC.
In August 2009, Dr. Li started to work as a counsel in General Administration Department in the Research Office of the State Council of China, after which he became Chairman of China Re.
Dr. Li Peiyu was born in February 1963 and holds a Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. degree in Tsinghua University as well as a research fellow rank.
22nd President - Egypt October 2011 - October 2013
Mr. AbdelRaouf Kotb is the Managing Director of Egyptian Saudi Insurance House and the Chairman of the Insurance Federation of Egypt since the year 2008.
He is the Chairman of the African Insurance Organisation “AIO” since May 2013. He is also Board Member of international Federation of Takaful and Islamic companies since 2005.
He has Contributed to the development of the insurance and reinsurance Industry in the Egyptian Market as well as the African continent.
Mr. Kotb began his career in 1960 with the Egyptian Reinsurance Company, Egypt, and continued to work for Egypt Re till the end of 1972 holding leading positions in its management.
He joined Al Ahleia Insurance Company, Kuwait from 1973 till 1999 holding leading positions in its top management. Supervised the affairs of the Hawk Insurance Company, United Kingdom "Al Ahleia Subsidiary British Insurance Company" during the period 1979 till 1999.
Vice Chairman & Board Member of Pharaonic Insurance Company, Egypt from March 1999 to March 2001.
Vice Chairman and Managing Director and Board Member of Mohandes Insurance Company, Egypt from May 2001 till April 2003.
Managing Director of Egyptian Saudi Insurance House, Egypt the First Takaful Insurance Co. in the Egyptian Market, from July 2003 till now.
Member of the Joint section for Research & Management of Risks and Insurances belonging to the Academy of Research & Technology, Egypt.
He is Board Member of Salama Takaful Insurance Co., Algeria, Salama Takaful Insurance Co., Senegal Faculty of Commerce, Cairo university, Financial Services Institute, Egypt.
21st President - Malaysia September 2009 - September 2011
2) Mr. Ramlan bin Abdul Rashid was appointed to the Board in 2006. He is the Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer of MAA.
Mr. Ramlan graduated with B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics from the University Sains Malaysia (USM) in 1983 and Masters in Actuarial Science from Ball State University, Indiana, USA in 1985.
He started his life insurance career with MAA as an Actuarial Executive in 1985 heading the Actuarial and Group Insurance Department.
In 1991, he was promoted to be the General Manager. He was also involved in the area of Business Strategic Planning, Financial performance and Human Resource of the Company. He was promoted to be the President - Life Division, Head Office in 1996 and subsequently promoted to Executive Director/Chief Executive Officer in August 2002.
1) Mr. Anuar Mohd Hassan, the President & Group Chief Executive Officer of MNRB Holdings Berhad (MNRB) have served tirelessly in the insurance industry for over 35 years.He previously headed Malaysian Re, (MNRB's wholly-owned subsidiary), before moving to his position as the President & Group CEO of MNRB, a public company listed on the Malaysian Stock Exchange.
His professional experience began as an Executive in 1974 in Great Eastern Life Assurance, before moving to the New Zealand Insurance Co's, United Kingdom and Kuala Lumpur offices. He joined the then Malaysian National Reinsurance Berhad in 1980 as an Underwriting Manager.
Mr. Anuar has contributed his expertise towards several technical and rating bodies. For 12 years, he was Scheme Manager of the Large and Specialized Risks Scheme promoted by Bank Negara Malaysia, which overcame hurdles and skepticism to become successful and well-run under his leadership.
During his tenure as the Chairman of the General Insurance Association of Malaysia (PIAM), (2002 to 2005), he spearheaded the incorporation of the Insurance Services Malaysia (ISM) to provide the industry with database and statistical services. He also developed the blueprint for the Inter-Company Agreements (ICA) for the fire business, various measures to ensure market discipline.
A Chartered Insurer and an Associate Member of the Malaysian Insurance Institute (MII), he served as a Director of MII and the International Centre for Leadership in Finance (ICLIF).
He now serves as Director for various other companies, including Motordata Research Consortium Sdn. Bhd. (MRC) as well as MNRB's subsidiaries Malaysian Re- a General Reinsurance Company, Takaful IKHLAS - an Islamic Insurance Provider, MNRB Retakaful Berhad - a General and Family Retakaful Operator and Malaysian Re (Dubai) Ltd. He is also a Director of Labuan Re, an Offshore Reinsurance Company incorporated in the Labuan International Offshore Financial Centre (IOFC).
20th President - Morocco September 2007 - September 2009
Mr. Ahmed Zinoun has his Diploma of the Institute of Business Administration of the Faculty of Law of Lille, 1972. Then he took his Masters of Economic Sciences at 1974.
Mr. Ahmed Zinoun was a Manager of C. D. G’s Strategic Industrial and Financial Acquisition Fund, 1978 to 1987 then Mr. Zinoun took the post of a General Manager.
Of C.N.I.A. Insurance Company, 1989 to 1996 after that he became a Managing Director of Société Centrale de Réassurance, 1996 to 2009 then he became Chief Executive Officer, Société Centrale de Réassurance, 2010 to present.
Mr. Ahmed Zinoun was the president of the Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers (FAIR), 2007 to 2009. He is although President of the African Centre for Catastrophe Risks (A.C.C.R), 2004 to Present. Mr. Zinoun is Professor - Financial Management - 2nd year applied higher studies Diploma at the Judicial and Economic Faculty of Science and at the National School of Administration (E.N.A.).
19th President - India September 2005 - October 2007
2) Mr. Yogesh Lohiya is a mechanical engineering graduate and an Associate of the Insurance Institute of India. He also holds a post-graduate diploma in management from the All India Management Association (AIMA).
Mr. Lohiya had a short stint in the manufacturing industry before joining the Insurance Industry as a direct recruit officer in The Oriental Insurance Company Ltd. in 1977.
He has served as member on various professional committees. These include:
⦁ Insurance & Pension Committee of Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry
⦁ Study Group on Insurance of PHD Chamber of Commerce & Industry
⦁ Chairman of Management Committee of Catastrophe Pool (Developing the Pool in association with GIC under the instruction of IRDA)
⦁ Member of Terrorism Pool
⦁ Member of Sub Committee of Tariff Advisory Committee on Engineering & Petrochemical Insurances
⦁ He is also the Co-chairman of Insurance Committee of Indian Merchants Chamber, Mumbai. Mr. Lohiya is also a visiting faculty at several institutes of higher learning which include: ⦁ Power Management Institute of NTPC
⦁ National Insurance Academy
⦁ IIT Delhi & Kanpur
⦁ Training Colleges of the public sector general insurance companies
A prolific writer, Mr. Lohiya has authored several books on various issues related to the Insurance sector. He has also presented papers on a variety of subjects
1) Mr. R. K. Joshi graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1970 and began his career at Aluminum & Heavy Engineering Industries. He started his career in insurance industry in 1974 in National Insurance Company Ltd., Kolkata, and worked in various operational offices.
Mr. Joshi was in-charge of overseas operations of National Insurance Company’s Singapore Branch for three years and was also instrumental in formation of India International Insurance Pvt. Ltd., a joint initiative of GIC and Indian state-owned non-life insurance companies.
He joined the General Insurance Corporation of India in 1998 as AGM (Technical). Subsequently was promoted as General Manager. During his tenure as General Manager he looked after Reinsurance, Publicity, Information Technology and Finance Departments of the Corporation.
Mr. Joshi took over as the first Chairman-cum-Managing Director of General Insurance Corporation of India in February 2005 and superannuated in April 2007. He also served as a Director on the Board of several companies and organizations.
Mr. Joshi was the President of Association of Insurers and Reinsurers of Developing Countries, an organization to promote co-operation among insurance and reinsurance companies in Asia and Africa, having its permanent secretariat at Cairo, Egypt.
He was also a good speaker and delivered excellent presentations at various conferences and seminars in India and abroad on Risk Management, Insurance & Reinsurance issues.
Mr. Joshi keenly appreciated Indian classical music and dances.
18th President - Zimbabwe September 2003 - September 2005
Mr. Albert Nduna Group Chief Executive of ZimRe Holdings Limited - Listed on the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange. Joined the Company in 1984 when it started as a Parastatal, privatised in 1999, Listed in 2000.
President of the African Insurance Organisation (AIO) in 1988 and 1994. Manager of the year 2000 awarded by the Zimbabwe Institute of Management. First Achievers Award 2003 - by Business Tribune.
Manager of the Decade (1st runners up) 2003. Fellow of Directors, and Director of a number of Companies in Zimbabwe, Malawi, South Africa, Zambia, Mozambique and Uganda.
President of Rotary Club of Hunyani 1987/88 – Charter President of Rotary Club of Harare CBD 2008/10.
He Worked for Government in 1981 as Registrar of Insurance, Pensions and Provident Fund, Bank and Financial Institutions, Building Societies, Stock Exchange; and in 1983 as Deputy Secretary in Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning. Visiting Lecturer at the University of Khartoum, Sudan in 1980.
Graduate from the University of Lancaster (UK) and Bradford University (UK). University of Zimbabwe Council Member. Published and presented Papers at conferences on Finance, Insurance and Reinsurance.
17th President - Philippines September 2001 - September 2003
Ms. Yvonne S. Yuchengco, Philippines, is President and Director of Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. since 1995. She is also concurrently the President and Director of MICO Equities, Inc., the holding company of Malayan Group of Insurance Companies.
Ms. Yuchengco also heads First Nationwide Assurance Corporation as Chairperson and holds directorships in several companies within the Yuchengco Group of Companies namely, Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC), Grepalife Financial Inc. (formerly Great Pacific Life Assurance Corp.), House of Investments, Mapua Institute of Technology, Malayan College, among others.
Ms. Yuchengco is likewise a Director of the National Reinsurance Corporation of the Philippines. She is a Member of the Board of Trustees of AY Foundation since 1999
16th President - Tunisia September 1999 - September 2001
Mr. Noureddine Skandrani was born in 16 June 1931 in Tunis, after he graduated from University he performs in Europe for two years training in insurance.
In the year of 1960, he joined S.T.A.R. Since its inception where he took the post of Deputy General Director. He takes the Management of Groupe Des Assurances De Tunisie "GAT" newly established from the end of 1975 until end of June 2009, since then, he took the Presidency.
From 1971 until 1978 he was President of the Tunisian Federation of Volley-Ball. From 1996 until 1998 he held the post of President of the Road Safety Tunisia.
In the field of Insurance and Reinsurance Mr. Skandrani in 1992 became Founder and President of Maghreb Union of Insurance Companies and Reinsurance, while from 1994 until 1996 he was President of the Tunisian Federation of Insurance Companies.
Mr. Noureddine Skandrani was awarded the order of the Tunisian Republic to the rank of Commander and Officer of Sport Merit.
15th President - Indonesia September 1997 - September 1999
Mr. Amir Imam Poero was the President Director of PT Asuransi Jasa Indonesia (Persero), known as “Asuransi Jasindo”, from 1990 - 2000.He was born in Madiun - Indonesia in 1941 and spent his teenage in East Java. He gained a Bachelor of Economics degree from University of Indonesia in 1971.
Shortly afterward, he joined PT Asuransi Bendasraya (prior to its merger with PT Umum Internasional Underwriter to formed Asuransi Jasindo in 1973).
He spent his entire career in Asuransi Jasindo, where started his career as staff at Director Beureu, then Corporate Secretary, Jakarta Branch Manager, then appointed as Finance Director in 1984, prior to his assignment as President Director.
His insurance training includes SITC in Zurich, Manila, Paris, Singapore, Vienna, Paris, Berlin, Washington, Seoul, Sydney, Mexico City, Edinburgh and Cairo.
He is an active member of ISEI (Indonesian Association of Economist) and received lifetime achievement award from the Faculty of Economics, University of Indonesia. He is one of Indonesian leading figure in insurance industry.
14th President - Sudan September 1995 - September 1997
Mr. Abdullah Ahmed Abdullah was born at 1949 in Marwai Northern Province Sudan. He graduated from University of Khartoum 1975 where he had BXC Economic (Honors).
Mr. Abdullah was a President of the Sudanese Insurance and Reinsurance Association from 1990 until 2006, he was also an EX Executive Committee, was a Member of AIO.
Mr. Abdullah has a lot of activities he was also an EX Member of GAIF Council, in the field of Insurance he is a part time Lecturer at Khartoum Polytechnic and Neelain University, Otherwise.
Mr. Abdullah is a Member of the Board Director in Faisal Islamic Bank at Sudan, Khartoum Stock Exchange and at Radiation & Isotopes Centre Khartoum RICK.
Mr. Abdullah was the President of FAIR from 1995 until 1997. The Professional Qualification is ACII; he is for present ACII Charted Insurer, Managing Director at the National Reinsurance CO. in Sudan.
13th President - Malaysia September 1993 - September 1995
Mr. Dzulkifli bin Mohd Salleh was born in 1939 in Malaysia. He had his M. A. in 1970 from Australian National University.
Mr. Salleh was Senior Research Assistant of the Australia National University from July 1967 until December 1972. His insurance career started in 1973 as Senior Executive in the Malaysia National Insurance Sdn Bhd. In 1979, he joined Malaysia National Reinsurance Berhad as Assistant General Manager, then in 1979 he was promoted as General Manager, and as Managing Director in 1985.
In 1996, Mr. Salleh was appointed as the President & CEO of Labuan Re.
Other Positions & Responsibilities:
⦁ Chairman, Persatuan Insuran Am Malaysia (PIAM) (General Insurance Association of Malaysia) & Asean Insurance Council.
⦁ Member of the Board, Malaysian Insurance Institute, Asean Insurance Council, Asean Reinsurance Corporation of Singapore, Malaysian Oxygen Berhad and Pengurusan KUMIPA Berhad.
⦁ Member of the Technical Board, Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers, Istanbul, Turkey.
⦁ Chairman, Malaysian-Re International Insurance Ltd, Labuan (Now Known as Labuan Re).
12th President - Ethiopia September 1992 - September 1993
Mr. Haile Michael Kumsa was born in 1949 in Ethiopia. He did his secondary education in commerce. Then he went to Addis Ababa University and got B.A. in Business Administration majoring in accounting.
He did Masters of Business Administration in Scotland specializing in Management Information Systems and some correspondence studies with the Chartered Institute of Accountants in London.
He started working in 1970 for one of the private insurance companies then was known by the name of Union Insurance Company. Then in 1976, he was appointed as a chief accountant of the Ethiopian corporation.
In 1979, he was appointed as a controller general audit and inspection. In 1981, was appointed as financial manager of the corporation, and in 1990 appointed as Deputy General Manager, then in 1992 as the General Manager.
From April 1995 until July 1999, he was the Managing Director & CEO of the Ethiopian Insurance Corporation. In 1999, Mr. Kumsa joined African Reinsurance Corporation as Deputy Managing Director.
11th President - D.P.R. Korea September 1989 - September 1992
Mr. Jon Myong Hi was born in 1937. In 1965, he graduated from Pyongyang Foreign Language University (5 years).
In August 1965, he joined Korea Foreign Insurance Company (KFIC).
In June1973, he was Director of Korea Foreign Insurance Company (KFIC)
In September 1976 the Vice-president of Korea Foreign Insurance Company (KFIC).
In November 1989, he was appointed as President of Korea Foreign Insurance Company (KFIC). He passed away in April 2000
10th President - Egypt September 1987 - September 1989
Mr. Ezzat Abdel-Bary was graduated from Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University, in 1954. He got his postgraduate diploma in Finance from Cairo University in 1966 and in B.A. from the National Administration Institute of Egypt in 1968.
In 1972, he was appointed in the cabinet of Egypt as the Under-Secretary responsible for the Prime Minister’s Office. In 1975, he held the post of the Vice Chairman & CEO of the Egyptian Insurance Organization (The Holding of the Insurance Companies).
In 1981, he held the post of the Deputy Chairman & CEO of the Egyptian Insurance Supervisory Authority. He was appointed as the Chairman & CEO of Al Chark Insurance Company of Egypt from 1983 to 1993. In addition, he assumed the following posts and responsibilities.
⦁ Chairman of Africa Re - (1986-1992)
⦁ Chairman of the Egyptian Nuclear Insurance Pool (1986 -1993).
⦁ Deputy Chairman of Al Mohandes Insurance Company Egypt (1985-1990).
⦁ Associate Lecturer for Postgraduates at Faculty of Commerce, Cairo University (1981 - 1993).
9th President - China September 1985 - September 1987
Mr. Cheng Wanzhu was born in December 1927 and Graduated from Nanking University in China.
He worked in The People’s Bank of China from 1950 to 1951, then he moved to Calcutta Branch from 1951 to 1953 then to Bombay Branch from 1953 to 1962. From 1962 to 1965, he moved to the Head Office of Bank of China in Beijing.
From 1965 to 1971, he worked in Central University of Finance and Economics, Beijing, China.
From 1971 to 1983, He worked as deputy Manager, Chief Manager of the foreign Division of The People’s Insurance Company of China.
From 1983 to 1992 He worked as Vice President of The People’s Insurance Company of China. Then he was retired in 1992.
Mr. Chen Wanzhu was elected the FAIR 9th President. He took once the positions of Vice President of the Insurance Institute of China and the Director of the West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association.
Being an experienced and excellent insurance practitioner, Mr. Chen Wanzhu made great contributions to the insurance and reinsurance development and personnel training in China.
8th President - Morocco May 1983 - September 1985
Mr. Farouk Bennis was born in 1936. He obtained a high degree of commercial studies from Ecole Superieure de Commerce of Rouen (France) and a certificate on foreign trade.
Appointed as a High officer of the Ministry of Finance in 1961 until 1963, when he went for training to Banque de France in Paris.
Back to Morocco, he joined the Ministry of Finance as the Chief of the Foreign Exchange Department. In this capacity, he participated in the negotiations of a number of trade and financial agreements, in particular with the U.S.A., the U.S.S.R. and France. He also took part in the preliminary stages of discussions with the E.E.C.
Mr. Bennis became a member of the Minister of Finance Cabinet in 1969. He was a member of the Moroccan Delegation participating in the Annual Assembly of the IMF. IBRD, African Development Bank (BAD), GATT and other economic and financial organizations.
He took part in negotiations to resolve financial contentions with Algeria arid chaired the delegation that negotiated conventions between the Central Banks of the two countries.
In 1971, he was appointed Chief of the Minister of Finances Cabinet. From June 1973 to June 1981, he was Secretary General of Caisse de Depot et de Gestion. In June 1981, Mr. Bennis was appointed Chairman of Societe Centrale de Reassurance by the Moroccan authorities
7th President - Philippines June 1981 - May 1983
Mr. Alfonso Tiaoqui Yucherigco was born in 1923 in Manila. He has excelled in his career as business executive, accumulating a large portfolio of chairmanships of leading firms in the Far East.
He was Founder and Chairman of the Yuchengco Group of Companies (YGC), Alfonso T. Yuchengco, fondly called “AY” in business circles, is acknowledged as one of the Philippines’ most successful taipans.
On top of his numerous achievements in business, he also has had a distinguished career in government service. He has served as ambassador to China and to Japan and as the Philippine Permanent Representative to the United Nations. He has also been a trusted adviser to several Filipino presidents, and currently serves as Presidential Adviser for Foreign Affairs with a cabinet rank under the Arroyo administration.
His business career in the 1950s and 1960s was characterized by rapid expansion and diversification. Life insurance was also proving at the time to be the most profitable insurance business in the Philippines.
Ambassador Yuchengco entered the life insurance business by forming a new company, Great Pacific Life Assurance Corp. or Grepalife.
Malayan proceeded to develop foreign connections abroad on the best possible terms for itself and the insurance industry. It went on to become the largest non-life insurance company in Southeast Asia and a leading reinsurer to smaller companies in the Philippines.
To-date, the Yuchengco Group of Companies is a 60-company conglomerate with investments ranging from banking to insurance, automotive vehicles to travel and tourism, construction and engineering to information technology, making it one of Southeast Asia’s largest and most diversified conglomerates.
6th President - Kenya June 1979 - June 1981
Mr. Francis Nyammo was born in 1939 in Nyeri District, Kenya where he received his early education.
He graduated from the University of Nairobi in 1965 with a B.A. (London) degree after which he briefly joined the provincial administration in the Kenya Government.
In 1966, he joined the Standard Bank Ltd. to begin a distinguished career in banking. In March 1969, he moved to National Bank of Kenya Ltd. to take up more senior responsibilities.
He served as Manager in various branches culminating as Deputy General Manager. A position, which he held until July 1976 when he was appointed as the Managing Director of Kenya Re
5th President - Iran June 1977 - June 1979
Mr. Jawad Mansour, President of the Central Insurance Company of Iran, Tehran. He was elected as President of FAIR at the General Meeting held in Tehran June 1977.
4th President - Zaire June 1974 - June 1977
Mr. Kabisi Milanga, was the General Manager of Société Nationale d'assurances "SONAS", Kinshasa, Zaire. He was elected as President of FAIR, at the General Meeting in Kinshasa, Zaire, in 1974.
3rd President - Turkey September 1972 - June 1974
Mr. Omer Faruk Seven was born in Istanbul in 1924 and graduated from the University of Istanbul, Faculty of Economics (1946).
In 1943 he started his career with Milli Re and then joined the army for his military service where he worked with the American Board of Military Aid. After completing his military service he joined first Anadolu Insurance Company and then Ray Insurance Company.
In 1960 he re-joined Milli-Re as Assistant General Manager and Technical Adviser; in 1975 was appointed General Manager of Mille Re and retired in January 1981 to set up Frank B. Hall Reinsurance (Afro-Asia) S. A., Belgium.
He was also Chairman & Chief Executive Officer of the Frank B. Hall Reinsurance (Afro-Asian) S. A. and Chairman of the Brussels Reinsurance Company Ltd., Belgium.
Between 1960 and 1981 he was member of the Society of the Turkish Actuaries, Board of Director of the Turkish Insurance Institute, Board of Trustees of R.C.D. International Scholl of Insurance, Board of Directors of Anadolu Insurance Company, Member of the R.C.D. Insurance Management Board and Head of the Turkish Delegation
2nd President - Tunisia October 1968 - September 1972
Mr. Abdelhafide Zaanoun was born in Tunisia in 1926. His studies began at the Faculté de Droit de Paris and Ecole Nationale d'Assurances de Paris. He also graduated from the Institute des Hautes Etudes Politiques de Paris.
Dr. Zaanoun held the posts of Chief of the Cabinet of the Ministry of Planning (1958), Director of the Central Bank of Tunisia (1970/72), Member of the Economic and Social Council (1964/74) and Chairman of Compagnie Financière et Touristique (COFITOUR) (1972/75).
He was also Chairman of the Société de Promotion et de Financement Touristique "CARTHAGO" and Société Tunisienne de Presse "SOTUPRESSE". Dr. Zaanoun was also an international advisor for Insurance and Reinsurance.
In the insurance and reinsurance field Dr. Zaanoun was Founder and President of the Société Tunisienne d’Assurances et de Reassurances S.T.A.R. (1959-1971), Vice President of the Federation of Afro-Asian Insurers and Reinsurers (F.A.I.R.) (1964-1968. Founding Member of the African Institute of Insurances in Tunis (training centre for management) (1967), President of FAIR (1968-1972), Member of the Sponsoring Committee of the 1st African Conference of Insurance (1972), and Member of the Presidential Council (International Level) to the International Association of Law of Insurance (A.I.D.A.)
1st President - Pakistan February 1967 - September 1968
Mr. Zahir-Uddin Ahmed was born in Pakistan in 1915. He received his B.A. (Hons.) and M.A. degrees then entered Government service in 1940.
His first posting was as Assistant Financial Advisor under Secretary to the Military Finance Department. He rose to Additional Deputy Financial Advisor and became Deputy Secretary of the Department in 1950.
Mr. Ahmed worked as an advisor to the Chief Commissioner Karachi and Chief Engineer Pakistan Public Works Department from 1954-55.
He was financial advisor to His Excellency the Ambassador of Pakistan in the U.S. from 1955-59; joint secretary of the Ministry of Finance 1961-63; Managing Director of the Pakistan Insurance Corporation, and the Alternative Director of the Asian Development Bank from 1967 till his death on 3 September, 1968
Patron of FAIR - Egypt (September 1964 - February 1967)
Mr. Ahmed Choukri El-Hakim was born in 1911 in Cairo, and graduated with a B.Com degree from Cairo University in 1934.
His insurance career started in 1934 with Misr Insurance Company in Cairo. Since then he had served as: General Manager and Member of the Board of Directors of the Misr Insurance Company, Member of the Insurance Supreme Council of Egypt, First Chairman of the Egyptian General Insurance Organization, Chairman of the Insurance Federation of Egypt, Member of the International Board of Electors of the Insurance Hall of Fame, USA and Member of the Board of Governors of IIS, USA.
Mr. El-Hakim was elected as the First President of FAIR; First President of the General Arab Insurance Federation.